One Voice 4 Change is hosting eight back-to-back workshops, taking place every Tuesday and Thursday in February. All workshops will run from 4:00 - 5:00 Peruvian Time. (2:00 pm MST) These sessions will help teams go from basic awareness to advanced systems and subsystems, eventually allowing everyone to start thinking about "What If?" As John Moore always says: "CubeSats can be used to teach anything." Check out this great YouTube from John and his students who designed the A³SAT. https://youtu.be/duRXNO4H65o
CubeSats in Peru February Virtual Workshops
Feb. 2 (Thursday) CubeSat Basics - Dr. Eaton Introduced Peruvian Teams to CubeSat Basics.
Feb. 7 (Tuesday) A³SAT Explained - John Moore and the A³SAT Team
Feb. 9 (Thursday) Core Components - Jin Kang https://www.maruspacetech.com/
Feb. 14 (Tuesday) Acquire, Analyze, Apply - John Moore and the A³SAT Team
Feb. 16 (Thursday) WHY? - Value Propositions from Peru
1. Build STEM Capacity in the Educational System in Peru 2. Promote Space Technology Application 3. INSPIRE Peruvian Communities, Schools, Cities, and Families
Feb. 21 (Tuesday) Experiential Approach - A Panel Discussion Featuring Students from the WOLFPACK CubeSat Development Team, members from our OV4C Design Team, Teachers from Belize, and Subject Matter Experts
Feb. 23 (Thursday) Consumers or Creatives? - Tom Kirk & Felicity Muench (OV4C)
Feb 28 (Tuesday) Connections to the Globe Program
Brian Campbell
NASA Senior Earth Scientist and Communication Lead
Trees Around the GLOBE Student research Campaign Lead
Trees Science Lead for NASA Observer
Valerie Casasanto
NASA ICESat2 Outreach Lead.
February Workshop Zoom Invite Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6830017862?pwd=ZG01SW10M09IUXpsYmV6V1lCR1Nsdz09 Meeting ID: 683 001 7862 Passcode: ph9pYa
During Phase I of the collaboration (March 2 - May 2, 2023) teams will build the A³SAT CubeSats with advice from mentors in our US network, co-mentoring with experts from Peru. Teams will be reporting their progress during weekly virtual meetings. In addition to the interest Peruvian teams have for hands-on experiential learning using CubeSats, a few teams from DSST Public Schools Montview HS and Wheat Ridge HS in Colorado are also building A³SAT CubeSats. Our hope is that all teams will help each other, fostering global citizenship and the kind of collaborative spirit that helps every student in every country. We feel blessed to have great support from multiple aerospace companies in Colorado. The Jefferson Michaelis Foundation has invited OV4C to present this learning adventure to three cities in Brazil in March, 2023 as part of Science Days. https://youtu.be/33-ZyXC8pAM The purpose of this program is to provide K-12 students, educators and their communities the opportunity to experience interactive STEM and space science content reflective of International science through a unique collaboration of community and nontraditional partners that include both social and professional organizations. Furthermore, Science Days inspires students to pursue disciplines in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Special thanks for the support of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Embassy and U.S. Consulates in Brazil, Brazil Florida Chamber of Commerce, KSCIA, Vaya Space and The Michaelis Foundation for Global Education.